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Saturday, July 08, 2017

The missed chime that started a romantic inclination. Mount Abu


His symbols are the arrow and torch, but in today's age, it’s the electronic media, a missed call by a local in the "Abode of the Gods" was directed by cupid to another,  hill station  Assam to start a romantic relationship that finally consolidated into wedding bells. The heart that was inflamed on hearing the damsel’s voice and name today is a love story and has gathered FAME. 
To read about this Fascinating Love story click for More

Thursday, July 06, 2017

Mount Abu stinks as Municipality and municipal Janitors spar over personal differences in the office. 

Mount Abu stinks as Municipality and Municipal Janitors spar over personal differences in the office.

A strike by sanitation workers has turned Mount Abu into a huge garbage dump over the past 7 days, posing a serious threat to people's health, souped with the incessant rain all week.

Picture credits to Harry 

Mount Abu’s Growing Stench: A Sanitation Crisis Amidst Rain and Inaction

Mount Abu, known for its serene landscapes and clean mountain air, is facing an unprecedented health and hygiene crisis. A week-long strike by sanitation workers has transformed the town into an open garbage dump, and with the incessant monsoon rains, the situation has spiraled into a major public health threat.
For the past seven days, huge piles of trash have accumulated along roadsides, in the bustling market squares, and even near residential areas. The sanitation workers, who are locked in a standoff with municipal officials over internal disputes, refuse to work until their grievances are addressed. While the argument stays private, this impasse clearly affected the residents and visitors of Mount Abu.
If this deadlock persists, the situation will deteriorate further, and the foul odor of decomposing garbage will soon engulf the town. The process of recovering from this crisis and returning our streets to normal will not happen—it will require sustained effort.
While the administration works on resolving the bureaucratic challenge, it’s up to Abuites to step forward. We can’t afford to sit by and watch our beautiful hill station descend into filth. The people of Mount Abu can take a cue from northern hill stations, where locals take immense pride in keeping their surroundings clean. It is crucial for us to make a collective effort now more than ever to mitigate the growing hazards.
In a commendable move, the local administration has responded by rolling out wheeled garbage carts for easy disposal. The local administration’s response is admirable, as they have encouraged residents to use these facilities. But more needs to be done.
We are on the eighth day of the strike, and although the administration’s efforts are moving in the right direction, the clock is ticking. With cooperation from both residents and officials, we can hope for a swift resolution before the consequences of this crisis become irreversible.

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