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Monday, April 25, 2005

Nostalgia and Birthday Traditions: A Boarding School Memory

Today is my birthday. Reflecting on boarding school memories: Nostalgia intertwined with birthday traditions.

 Today is my birthday, and as I reflect on the past, a flood of memories from my boarding school days rushes in. Back then, people considered birthdays almost taboo—something they wouldn’t dare disclose. The reason? You risked ending the day with a sore backside, literally!
In boarding school, birthdays involved enduring the well-known “birthday bumps,” a combination of camaraderie and mischief. Friends, warm-hearted but quick-footed, would take turns wishing you with a friendly handshake, followed by not-so-friendly kicks to the rear. The count would go up with every “bump”—one, two, three—and so on, depending on your age.
But it wasn’t all rough treatment. Among the pranks and punches, there were genuine instances of warmth: firm handshakes, tight hugs, and heartfelt birthday wishes from buddies who, in their own playful manner, displayed their affection.
Looking back now, I can’t help but smile at those memories. What once seemed like a day to dread is now a cherished part of my past, a nostalgic reminder of the simple, wild joy of youth.


Saturday, April 23, 2005

Mount Abu Totally blogged!

I thought it would be a piece of cake opening a blogger account! Whew!I almost gave up, anyway, I'm through and I'm all ready to rock n roll!