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Sunday, December 31, 2017

Happy New Year 2018 From Mount Abu.

Happy New Year 2018 From Mount Abu.

Moon on New Years Eve.


Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Leopards of Bera

Bera’s Battle: The Struggle Against Commercialisation Threatening Leopard Paradise

In Bera, people peacefully resist commercialism to maintain the tranquillity of their farmlands and untouched nature. The focus of tourism is changing from the outdoors to air-conditioned hotels and flashy resorts. The popularity of leopard safaris has affected the realism and tranquillity of these animals' natural habitats.

Bera is attracting large investments in hotels, and resorts as more people become fascinated by wildlife. The cost of commercialisation threatens the balance between tourism and wildlife preservation. I went to Bera on December 16, 2017, to see an old acquaintance, "The Leopard Man of Bera," I was disappointed to witness a profound shift in the Bera I once knew. Commercialization and population growth threaten the village's efforts to maintain harmony between tourism and wildlife. An awful state of affairs unfurled before my eyes. I witnessed an awful state of affairs as safari jeeps and their unruly passengers filled the previously protected environment from the secretive leopards roaming. My buddy Devi reported that he once counted 45 safari jeeps stationed, all excitedly expecting a glimpse of the gorgeous leopards.

Despite seeing a leopard and photographing a cub, the shadow of worry hung large. These quiet and secretive species may soon retreat farther into the void. The extinction of leopards is not just a tragedy for wildlife enthusiasts; it is also a catastrophic turning point for Bera.

As commercial interests continue to intrude on these superb creatures’ natural habitats, Bera’s future is in peril. The delicate balance between booming tourism and wildlife preservation is in danger.  Let us not lose sight of the intrinsic value of the untamed beauty that makes Bera special and worth preserving in our pursuit of riches. Another larger disaster might yet occur. The mining sector has set its sights on mining in the Bera highlands. Despite being kept at bay, they will have their way shortly because of the clot. Money Speaks! 

Drive through one hamlet.

A typical village scene.

Crocodile at one of the water bodies.

I saw very few migratory birds at the various water bodies.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Mount Abu Update.

Mount Abu News

The electricity department meter reading person was on his beat in the Delwara area on 11 Dec 2017. While moving from one house to another, he was confronted with a vile smell of rotting flesh from a house, he immediately informed the neighbours and the cops. The cops on entering the house found two corpses lying on the floor, Apparently, the duo who happened to be father and son had died a few days earlier. They recognised the bodies as Kastur Rana the father and son Jagdish Rana. 
Their bodies on instruction by DSP Vijaypal Singh were forwarded to the state morgue. Here a team of doctors from the medical board conducted the post-mortem. Dr N.K.Goyal and Dr Tanveer who performed the post-mortem put the cause of death as strangulation and concluded it was murder. An investigation has been initiated. 
Will keep you all informed as the events unfold.
The temperature of the Abode of the Gods had been constantly dropping since Sunday. Night temperatures have been hovering around 5 to 0 degrees. Abu witnessed its first frost in a few places on the 13 Dec 2017 morning. Tourists heading this way are invited to carry woollies. Also, for those planning to hire two-wheeler taxis scarves and gloves are a must. Welcome to a chilly stay in the Abode of the Gods.

I believe there was a bear attack on a man on 12 Dec 2017. Haven't got much for this event but if more is forthcoming I'll keep you all posted. Time to get out and bask in the sun. 


Tuesday, December 12, 2017

The All India Radio Broadcasting Tower Mount Abu

The All India Radio Tower Finally undergoing maintenance

The tower Finally getting a facelift.

It’s been eons that the All India Radio tower in Mount Abu has seen a maintenance crew ever working on it. Last week out of the blue I saw some men currently working on the tower, they have been at it for now close to a week. Finally, the tower light that had been out for a very long time has been replaced and the tower has its light just in time for Christmas. 
The maintenance crew is at the moment busy painting the girders of the tower. I’m posting a few snaps showing you the men in action. It looks like a daredevil team in action. They have worn their helmets but as for safety belts well that’s something else.

Look at this bloke; he’s walking on the girders as if he’s taking a walk in the garden.

The monkeys that frequent this tower must be pretty envious to see these chaps at home on the girders.

Doing a bit of yoga to relax the mind and body.

Look at the action.

These are our lads working their asses off against the chilly wind all day long without proper woollies, no bloody safety belts and throughout the day maintaining a happy disposition. They need to be applauded 3 cheers to THEM. 

Monday, December 11, 2017

Death of Cub SLOTH BEAR Mount Abu.

Sloth Bear cub dies in the Sanctuary.

Remains of bear cub discovered by Charles.

Hikers from the UK and Spain who were with Charles 

Dead bears are seldom observed in the wild. There has been the instance where two cubs were found to be dead due to drowning in Abu and one instance where an adult bear was found killed by poachers. The mortality rate for bear cubs in the Abode of the gods is quite low. This is the first time that a record has been recorded of a death of a cub in the sanctuary.Charles guide who was on one of his regular treks yesterday with foreigners happened to come across a bear cub who apparently had died quite sometime earlier. He immediately reported the incidence to the concerned authorities. 
On receiving the news a team was immediately sent to investigate the death of the cub. DFO Hemendra Singh, was there to oversee the autopsy conducted by Veterinarians; Dr. Amith Choudhary, Dr. Sandeep Choudhary, and Dr. Nitesh Arora. No foul play was observed as all body parts were intact. I was informed by my family Doctor. Dr. A K Sharma who was also present there that the cub had died of pneumonia.

Monday, December 04, 2017

Leopards of Mount Abu

BIG CATS of Mount Abu.

leopard Mount Abu
leopard Mount Abu

Leopard photographed Dec 2017 behind Brothers' quarters.

Per kind favour Brother Agnello Benjamin 

They have spotted leopards at quite a few places in the Abode of the Gods in the last two months. There have been accounts of it being seen at Kumarwada, the Dhondia area where a few strays have been picked up. The leopard a fortnight ago attacked a young calf in the Salgoan area, but it could survive. The latest leopard recorded and seen was at the back of the Brother’s quarters at St. Mary’s School. 

The leopard is one of the smallest of the big cats and known for its ability to adapt to a variety of habitats. A nocturnal animal, the leopard hunts by night. It feeds on the smaller species of herbivores found in its range, such as the langur, wild hare, and wild boar. It is famous for picking up pariah dogs around forest areas and our small town; I have also known them to prey on resident Abuites pet dogs who stray from their protected enclosures. An extremely agile creature spends most of its resting time in natural caves and on top of trees. They can move quite a few kilometres every night in search of prey.

Leopards usually mate throughout the year, drawing up a litter of two to three cubs after a gestation period of 90 to 105 days. The female is very protective of her cubs and keeps them well hidden from prying predators. They stay with the mother for another two years, learning to hunt by following and watching the mother.

The biggest threats facing the common leopard in India are poaching for illegal trade in body parts and loss of habitat. I fear for the leopards of Abu, as the previous year two-foot traps had been retrieved from the jungle behind the school near the Golden Horn.

Foothold traps
Foothold traps

Sunday, December 03, 2017

FULL MOON the Super Moon 3 Dec 2017 Mount Abu..

I saw the super moon from the Abode of the Gods.

"The evening sky as seen from. the Abode of the Gods"
The evening sky as seen from. the Abode of the Gods

"The day before Full Moon 2 Dec 2017, snapped from Mount Abu."
The day before Full Moon 2 Dec 2017 

I observed the lovely supermoon from the blessed Abode of the Gods while embracing its magnificent beauty. In recent days, the internet has been buzzing with excitement about the full moon, the phenomenon of the super moon—a spectacular occurrence when a new or full moon aligns with its perigee, the closest point to Earth in its monthly orbit.
When I go back to my school days, I recall a teacher’s amusing warning about the full moon’s tendency to cause a touch of craziness among us. With a smile, he explained the phenomenon as moonlight penetrating our “upper attic,” coining the phrase “Luna in your upper attic.”
Captivated by the cosmic splendour, I photographed it and shared a glimpse from the fabled Abode of the Gods. January this year promises not one, but two super moons. The first appeared in the sky on January 2, 2017, and the second, called the Blue Moon, will do so on January 31, 2018.
When delving into the folklore surrounding a "blue moon," a phrase frequently used to depict extraordinary events, we discover it denotes the second full moon in a month. As the expression goes, something happens “once in a blue moon,” and experiencing this cosmic rarity on January 31 adds a sense of magic to the experience.
So, before we go, let us take time to admire the moon, marvel at the wonders of the cosmos, and marvel at the absolute beauty of creation.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

News Flash Mount Abu [ 29 Nov 2017 ]

Suicide in the Abode of Gods

Today I was informed by a colleague that a young woman in my neighbourhood had hung herself in the house. He was on that way to see me and he saw the cops and a crowd of people outside the house. On inquiring, he was told that a woman had committed suicide. 
Murder and suicide are uncommon in the Abode of the Gods. So if it occurs once in a way, it makes big news. Tomorrow will fill you in on the details after they printed it in the news till then adios. 

Surprised to see Small plane from New Zealand Surveying Mount Abu.

Light Aircraft (planes) Surveying Mount Abu Terrain.

I first observed this aircraft making sorties on 24 Nov 2017. I took a few snaps as I became curious as to its flying pattern. It appeared to be surveying the terrain of the Abode. I thought its probably some rich dude making sorties over our small town to impress the locals of Abu. Once in a way we do get one of these solo flights coming our way.

This incident would have become a hazy memory but for the fact it surprised me to see another tiny aircraft making quite a few sorties three days later, i.e the 27 Nov 2017. This time, on snapping the aircraft, it surprised me to see that this plane was not Indian in origin but had a distinct marking on it that it was a plane from New Zealand. Wow, what was this aircraft doing in our space surveying the terrain for Google Maps? It plagued me with a host of questions, so to find answers, I googled it.

Aircraft from a New Zealand company.

On googling, this is what I found.

The planes with high-tech sensors and photography equipment have been hired by Macfar aerial survey company to seek mineral reserves in the western districts of Rajasthan. The report will be submitted to the Geology Department of the Government of India.

An update 
Seem the survey is still in full swing. Yesterday, i.e 10 Dec 2017, the plane was flying pretty low, making sorties over the Mount Abu sanctuary area. 

The New Zealand team making sorties  

Friday, November 24, 2017

Weather and temperature in Mount Abu.[24/11/201]

It's Gonna Be A Cold Winter in the Abode of the Gods this year.

This year winter set in early, and Abuites felt the chill from the beginning of October. The night temperature has been hovering around 6 to 9 degrees for the last fortnight. This morning at 6:15 am when I checked to see what the temperature was it showed 4 degrees.

Tourists travelling to Abu, remember to bring your warm clothing.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Mount Abu to Nainital

A Trip to Nainital: Running the Gauntlet

 When my daughter Jennifer asked me to join her on a trip to Nainital for Junior’s Diwali break, I pondered. He had six days off from school, and bringing him home was out of the question—the journey was too long and exhausting. Though I knew I’d be pushing my limits after the accident, I agreed. I needed this break if only to test my resilience, and see if I could weather the challenges that lay ahead.

Booking our tickets was the first hurdle. We confirmed our outbound journey from Marwar to Kathgodam, but we were wait-listed (8th and 9th) in Second AC for the connecting train from Abu Road to Marwar. I booked them on October 13th, hoping they’d be confirmed by the 30th. As luck would have it, by October 29th, the tickets were still unconfirmed, and my attempt to secure Tadkal tickets failed as the class was fully booked. Just in the nick of time, I snagged three available berths. It was a close call.

We left Abu at 3 a.m. on October 30th to catch the 4:25 a.m. train. As we reached the station, I asked the taxi driver to stop at the far end so I wouldn’t have to climb the overhead bridge to reach platform No. 2. Hobbling my way along; I made it with the help of Jen and the driver. Their support meant the world to me.

Once inside the train compartment, I was stunned. It felt like we had walked into a general coach, not a reserved one. People were sprawled across the floor, some sleeping in makeshift positions, while others slouched in cramped spaces, fast asleep. To my dismay, two young men had taken over our berths. When we woke them, they tiptoed to the end of the already crowded compartment.

Here was the first challenge of the trip: we were allotted a middle and upper berth, and there was no way I could haul myself up. Resigning myself to sit at the edge of an occupied lower berth, I watched as Jen, with remarkable ease, climbed up to the top berth with all our bags. The young men, now displaced, returned, probably looking for a spot to sit. I jokingly told them, “Why don’t you just jump into my grave and make yourselves comfortable?” I could only imagine what they thought of this eccentric old man.

Fortunately, an hour into the journey, some passengers disembarked at a remote station, and I could stretch out on a lower berth. The relief was palpable, and I dozed off until we reached Marwar Junction.

From Marwar to Kathgodam, our journey took a turn for the better. We were booked in First AC, and the comfort made all the difference. At Ajmer Station, my brother Aubrey and his son Brian came to meet us. They didn’t come empty-handed—they brought a lunch packed by Dollar, Aubrey’s wife. The food was, without exaggeration, out of this world. I still marvel at how she puts together such a feast every time!

But enough of my ranting. Now, it’s time to share a glimpse of Nainital through my lens. Despite my unsteady legs, I captured a few of the region’s feathered wonders. Take a moment to appreciate my handiwork—each photo is a testament to the beauty of nature and, perhaps, to my stubborn determination to keep going.

"Bank Myna Acridotheres ginginianus, perched on the platform of the MArwar Junction."
Bank Myna Acridotheres ginginianus (Marwar Jn Station)

Eurasian Collared Dove (Taken Marwar Jn station)

Maroon Oriole Oriolus traillii (Nainital)

Black-crested tit (Periparus ater melanolophus), also known as the spot-winged tit
Green-backed Tit Parus monticolus

Himalayan Woodpecker Dendrocopos himalayensis

Himalayan Woodpecker Dendrocopos himalayensis

Large-billed Crow - Corvus macrorhynchos

Himalayan Bulbul Pycnonotus leucogenys

Brown-fronted Woodpecker Dendrocoptes auriceps

Gray-hooded Warbler Phylloscopus xanthoschistos

Great Barbet Psilopogon virens

Great Barbet Psilopogon virens

Great Barbet Psilopogon virens
 Brown-fronted Woodpecker

 Rufous Sibia

 White-tailed Nuthatch

Bar-tailed Tree-creeper Certhia himalayana
Bar-tailed Treecreeper Certhia himalayana

Black-throated Tit Aegithalos concinnus

Black-throated Tit Aegithalos concinnus
Black-throated Tit Aegithalos concinnus

Black-throated Tit Aegithalos concinnus

Black-throated Tit Aegithalos concinnus

Blue Whistling-Thrush Myophonus caeruleus
 Steppe Eagle

Large-billed Crow

Blue Whistling-Thrush Myophonus caeruleus

ID Please

Black-throated Tit

Oriental White-eye
Great Barbet

Check out my birding site