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Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Special Cover released on the 90 anniversary of the St.Mary's High School Mount Abu.

St. Mary's High School Mount Abu Celebrating its 90th year under the Christian Brothers.

Special Cover on the Heritage Building of St. Mary's High School Mount Abu Rajasthan

Department of Post released this Special Cover on the Heritage Building of St. Mary's High School Mount Abu Rajasthan. Special credit goes to Maharaj Daivat Singh (Batch of '72) and Noel de '79. To read more about the event, I've attached the brochure. 
The cover depicts a photograph of the school and the logo of the school.

St Mary's High School
St Mary's High School 

St Mary's High School
St Mary's High School 
Another Angle 



Saturday, July 27, 2019

The local tribal shifted for comprehensive treatment to Ahmadabad

The brutal attack on a local Tribal by a bear on 20 July 2019 moved to Ahmedabad for treatment. 

Sloth Bear Conflicts on the Rise in Mount Abu: A Call for Practical Measures

In recent years, human-wildlife conflicts in Mount Abu have escalated, with sloth bear encounters becoming a pressing concern. Once elusive creatures of the forest, these bears are now straying into human habitation, leading to tragic and life-altering incidents. On July 20, 2019, a young tribal man was brutally attacked, resulting in disfigurement and the loss of an eye. The young tribal man is currently being treated at the Civil Hospital in Ahmedabad, and this encounter has forever transformed his life, as well as the lives of many others.

These unsettling incidents shine a spotlight on a critical need for Mount Abu to develop comprehensive strategies aimed at minimizing human-bear conflicts. While eliminating these encounters may be unrealistic, practical solutions can reduce the risk.

One of the key factors contributing to these conflicts is the encroachment of human settlements into forested areas and the resulting disruption of the bear's natural habitat. As Mount Abu grows in popularity as a tourist destination, increased foot traffic, waste disposal issues, and habitat fragmentation drive sloth bears closer to populated zones in search of food.

For any meaningful change, a coordinated effort between local authorities, conservationists, and the public is essential. Implementing basic safety guidelines is a critical first step. Educating residents and tourists about bear behaviour, especially during the monsoon season, when they are more active, can save lives. Warning signs and awareness campaigns need to be visible in vulnerable areas, reminding people to avoid trekking at dawn or dusk, when bear activity peaks.

Proper waste management also plays a pivotal role in reducing bear visits to human settlements. Sloth bears are opportunistic feeders, and the improper disposal of food waste only invites them to urban areas. By establishing designated bear-proof garbage zones, both residents and businesses can reduce the likelihood of attracting bears.

Another important consideration is creating safe zones and wildlife corridors, ensuring that sloth bears have sufficient habitat away from human encroachment. This can involve designating areas that are off-limits for human activity, especially near known bear habitats, and implementing stricter regulations on new constructions that may disturb these sensitive areas.

Mount Abu stands at a crossroads. The region has two options: either deal with more conflicts between humans and bears or take proactive and practical steps to create a safer future for both wildlife and people. While sloth bears are an essential part of the local ecosystem, preserving their place within the landscape requires us to create a harmonious coexistence. With collective action, education, and practical steps, Mount Abu can protect its community while respecting the natural world that defines it.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Lower Kodra Dam Adjacent to ST Marys High School Mt Abu

Mount Abu waiting in keen anticipation for the monsoon rain   

Abu waiting in anticipation for the Met report, which has predicted heavy to very heavy rainfall between 25 July to the end of this month. Hopefully, the rain gods shower their blessing at the moment the abode is overcast, and the temperature has fallen making the place very pleasant. I'm posting a few snaps sent to me by Mohan on 24 July 2019.

"Panoramic shot of Lower Koda Dam"
Panoramic shot of Lower Koda Dam. 

Looks like the heavens have sent a Ray of Hope 

"The level of the dam went down to under 14. feet"
The level of the dam went down to under 14. feet

Lower Koda Dam on 24 July 2019
Lower Koda Dam on 24 July 2019

Big pitch exposed
Big Pitch exposed.

This playing field brings back nostalgic memories. 

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Inter class football tournament St. Mary’s High School Mount Abu

No madness and thrill such as this the inter-class football tournament.

"St. Mary’s High School Mount Abu, principal flagging off the Inter-class football tournament"
Brother Robert flagging off the Inter-class football tournament.
(Photograph per kind favour Ms. Crescentia)

Experience the incredible craziness and excitement of Marian School's inter-class football competition! Football runs in the blood of every Marian, whether they are present students or alumni. Football is more than simply a game; it is a bond that unites everyone in the school.

The event started a little later this year because of a three-week vacation, and some boys represented the school in the inter-school competition in Asansol. The wait "Eventually" ended yesterday when Brother Robert officially launched the inter-class football tournament.
The guys' passion was intense - you'd think they were preparing for the World Cup! The atmosphere was electric with anticipation as the competition promised exciting battles and spectacular moments. As the games go, I'll keep you up to speed with live results and unique photos supplied right from the school.

Keep checking back for more information on the exciting Marian inter-class football event. Until then, adios!

Ist XI Football "A Blast from the past"
Ist XI Football "A Blast from the Past"

Inter-Class Football Tournament - 2019 

Inter-Class Football tournament - 2019 


Sunday, July 21, 2019

Lightning storm hits the Abode hard Mount Abu [ 21/07/2019 ]

Looks like our monsoon season is beginning with a Bang

Baffling lightning, with massive huge sparking and heavy thundering, hit the Abode of the Gods ten minutes ago. Seems like the lightning hit one of our major power lines, cutting off our power. My little doggies are terrified.
Will keep you updated. 
A small clip from my doorway 

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Breaking News: Mount Abu Bear Attacks Again, Creating Panic in Achalgarh

Bear once again on the rampage, another victim attacked at Achalgarh Mount Abu.

The calm surroundings of Achalgarh in Mount Abu were disturbed earlier today when a bear went on a rampage, leaving another local resident in anguish.
The terrible incident occurred in the early hours of the morning when a group of Achalgarh residents went into the forest to collect wild mangoes. The peace of their journey, however, was shattered when one of the party members strayed away in search of greener pastures, encountering a bear that quickly mauled him.
The anguished cries of the sufferer attracted the remaining members, who raced to his rescue, compelling the bear to flee into the forest. The injured guy, who was now in unbearable pain, was immediately attended to, and an ambulance was dispatched to carry him to safety. He is now receiving medical treatment at the Global Hospital.
Gripping images and video footage of the event have surfaced on the local WhatsApp group for a personal view. Some of the photographs are explicit and may be upsetting, so proceed with caution.
This frightening incident serves as a harsh reminder of the unanticipated encounters that can occur in the natural ecosystem, reminding inhabitants and visitors alike to take caution when traversing Mount Abu's calm surroundings. Stay tuned for more information on this developing story.

"A local Abuite attacked in Achalgarh this morning, photographs are explicit and may be upsetting, so proceed with caution."
A local Abuite attacked in Achalgarh this morning 

photographs are explicit and may be upsetting, so proceed with caution
A local attacked by a bear at Achalgarh.

"Gruesome Attack by bear at Achalgarh.Caution is needed while viewing the snap."
Gruesome Attack by Bear at Achalgarh.
"Ambulance to the rescue,dispatched by the hospital."
Ambulance to the rescue

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Awaiting the Rain Gods of showering its Blessings on the abode of gods Mt Abu.

Abuites are apprehensive, as, like most places in Rajasthan, water scarcity is a bitter reality.

Anticipation hangs in the air as Mount Abu eagerly awaits the goodwill of the Rain Gods to shower blessings upon this sacred abode. The threat of water shortage, however, lingers over the region, a grim reality that many areas in Rajasthan experience.
Despite the parched circumstances, Mount Abu has received some relief as a couple thunderstorms accompanied by 10 inches of rain. This rain has cooled the area, nourishing the slopes with vigorous growth of plants and grass, changing Abu into a green paradise. There has been a distinct shift in the weather pattern, as seen by the blossoming of trees such as the Jacaranda and the Golden Showers tree, which normally flower in spring but are now adorning the landscape.
Cassia fistula - Golden Shower tree
Cassia fistula - Golden Shower tree 

Jacaranda tree
Jacaranda tree 

Wild dates of Mount Abu
Wild dates of Mount Abu

However, the monsoon's progress experiences delays, resulting in the meteorological service classifying it as a monsoon break. According to a recent snapshot of INSAT-3D IMG, experts expect the shortcoming to worsen. The monsoon season in Abu looks to be starting in the second week of August this year, a delay that is being keenly studied for meteorological updates.
Amid this climatic unpredictability, there appears to be no overt appeasement of the Rain God by Abuites.  The neighbourhood’s plea for safe havens and rain continues to go unanswered, as the community waits patiently for the much-needed monsoon showers to return. Stay back for more weather reports from Abu as we make our way through this fascinating climatic tour.

Monsoon break condition
Monsoon break condition 

To read more on the monsoons in Abu, click the link below: 

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Once again, bear attacks and mauls local in Oriya Mount Abu.


July, August and September

During this time of year, people should be cautious of bears as mother bears and their cubs are out looking for food.
A local Abuite (Bada Singh) yesterday evening around seven pm was returning home with his cattle in Oriya when a bear attacked him. His screams drew the attention of the others in the area and they could shoo the bear away. They rushed the injured victim off to the Global Hospital. I’m posting the media received by my WhatsApp group. BE WARNED the photographs of this mishap and the link I’m posting from previous posts is gruesome.

Bada Singh victim bear attack
Bada Singh victim bear attack

(Bada Singh in Global Hospital. The photo received via WhatsApp)

Bada Singh victim of Bear Attack Oriya
Bada Singh victim of Bear Attack Oriya

News clip media via WhatsApp
News clip media via WhatsApp 

Friday, July 05, 2019


Big drive by Abu Committee on July 7, 2019, to clean the area around Nakki Lake. 

Banner for the coming event.

A Call to Action: Abuites Unite to Save Mount Abu's Nakki Lake

In a surprising turn of events, the Mount Abu community, popularly known as Abuites, has finally banded together to confront Nakki Lake's long-standing predicament. This beautiful body of water, which serves as a lifeline and reserve drinking water source for the population, has been a subject of concern for many years.
The Big Push:
On July 7, 2019, the Abu Committee launched a major effort to clean up the area around Nakki Lake. The joint effort including volunteers from multiple sectors, including the Nakki Lake Market Association, Main Market Association, Street Vendors Unions, Hotel and Hostel Association, School, the CRPF, and local people, makes this initiative particularly significant.
Solidarity in Action: With their fingers crossed for good weather, the Abuites hope to show their solidarity as responsible inhabitants of this quaint hill resort. It's a commendable attempt to protect Nakki Lake, which provides critical drinking water during dry years. The irony of a thunderstorm suddenly assisting in the cleanup work, on the other hand, adds a bit of humour to the situation.
A Cry for Consistent Action:
While this community cleanup is undeniably a beginning in the right way, there is an urgent need for a year-round commitment to tackling Nakki Lake's challenges. Rather than one-time efforts, a year-round collaborative and thorough push for remedial actions is required for a long-term solution.
Mechanical Cleaning as a Daily Routine: The blog recommends that mechanical cleaning of the lake become a day-to-day task entrusted to the district administration's cleaning personnel. This practical technique might aid in reducing the buildup of waste and pollutants, therefore maintaining the lake's long-term health.
The site also stresses the important role of the Abuites in preventing visitors from damaging the lake. It proposes fines for individuals who trash in the designated "RED ZONE," as well as a sense of duty and ownership among community members.
Conclusion: There is a ray of hope for Nakki Lake in the collaborative efforts of the Abu Committee and the different volunteers. However, as the site sensibly argues, this should just be the start of a long-term commitment to the lake's well-being. Mount Abu can ensure that Nakki Lake remains a pristine beauty for future generations via community-driven initiatives and persistent work.

"Sector-wise cleaning of the lake area by volunteers of Mount Abu"
Sector-wise cleaning of the lake area by volunteers of Mount Abu

To read more about our beloved lake, click the link below.