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Thursday, September 11, 2008

Google Chrome Any Takers?

I’m a great fan of Google I’ve been using their service from day one. I’ve learnt a lot using their various services, for which I am grateful. I have several of my own sites on their Google pages a few examples here are the URL of some of them,

Their Gmail service is way out. Once one learns to configure it and use it, it's exceptional. Google Chrome was a genuine surprise. , while surfing on the 2nd of September, I stumbled upon this by chance and tried to get its released download, on the second itself, but had no luck. On the third, I downloaded it and used it for a short while and was impressed with its results. I felt my pulse pulsating like never before. I used Firefox some time back but was not as impressed as I was with this browser. It was like holding my first date at the dance. floor, the excitement seemed to flow naturally through my veins. I sent a link to about 150 of my mates and I tell you a large majority of them had just this to say “outstanding”.

Today, I learned a quick way to access my favourite websites using the web browser. By opening the Google Product page, I found out that I could easily drag the icons to my taskbar for quick access. As seen in the snap above, you can see all the different icons I have placed there and it’s fascinating to find that they work wonderfully. So all you Google users go right away and do drop me a line giving me any other features that are helpful.

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