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Monday, March 21, 2011

The Super moon seen over Mount Abu

The Super moon is seen over Mount Abu

Did capture the much talked of’ Super Moon’ with my not-too-super Sony Digital camera last night as it made its appearance over the hill facing my house. I really wonder what effect did the moon have on the Earth as a whole. Did it unleash a pack of Lunatics after all human upper attic is a mushy grey matter that if struck with the right amount of Luna could render one a raving lunatic?
I saw quite a few crazy Abuites that day but I assure you it wasn’t the effect of the Super Moon but of our local weed Bhang and the hooch that was guzzled down yesterday. We celebrate Holi the colourful festival in a big way here in Rajasthan, with glasses of either ‘Thandai’ (a concoction of chilled milk, bhang and dried fruits) or booze.  I should have taken a few short videos of these flying souls that would have been some sight to see anyway, bear with me and have a look at the Super Moon through my camera.

The Super Moon is seen from Abu

Looks like the gateway to Paradise!

Is anyone for Cheese?

Aim for the moon, you just can’t miss

Last month I did take snaps of the full moon as I had my camera on hand; these snaps I had taken were from the house I recently vacated, dad’s house.
Tonight the dogs are silent No ghosts out I presume

'Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth. ‘Buddha

The hill opposite my present home ‘The Abode’
The video I took last night of the Super Moon

Super Full Moon Mount Abu


  1. Hi, Ains
    I want to know if could I use your last photograph (the moon and the hill) in a book? Please contact me!! :)

  2. Mabel Hi,
    Go right ahead Appreciated.

  3. Thank you so much!!
