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Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Green menace spreading its tentacles in Mount Abu.

Green menace spreading its tentacles in Mount Abu

"Water hyacinth choking the mainstream Mount Abu".
Water hyacinth choking the mainstream Mount Abu.
"Water hyacinth choking the mainstream Mount Abu. Collage"
Water hyacinth choking the mainstream Mount Abu.

Mount Abu's Battle Against the Green Enemy: Immediate Action Required to Save Precious Waterways.

Mount Abu, the tranquil abode of gods, is under attack by a relentless invasion of water hyacinth, which threatens the very essence of its immaculate streams. As this green scourge spreads its tentacles across once-renowned water bodies, local authorities must act quickly to avert permanent harm to the ecology.
Water hyacinth, an apparently harmless plant, has established a foothold in Mount Abu's freshwater ecosystems, posing a serious danger to the outlying areas, particularly up to the beloved Sunrise Valley. If left uncontrolled, the persistent proliferation of this plant might spell death for all Abu streams, undermining the entire purpose of the embankments and tiny dams built for rainfall gathering.
Consequences for the Environment: The influence of water hyacinth goes beyond its beauty, with potentially devastating environmental implications. The unhindered growth of this invasive plant might result in a significant increase in water transpiration, hastening the drying of streams. The hyacinth blanket over the water prevents sunlight from penetrating, lowering water quality and leading to environmental dangers as rotting portions collect.
Biodiversity loss: Once brimming with life, the once-vibrant streams now wear a smothering blanket of green. Water hyacinth is a direct danger to biodiversity because it suffocates native aquatic plant species, and forces bird species to seek alternate habitats. Silverfish and other aquatic species face an unclear future, while the approaching calamity threatens forest regions, putting wild animals depending on these crucial water supplies in danger.
A Call to Action: As the water hyacinth spreads unabated, the Lower Khodra Dam Abu, the major drinking water supply, is on the verge of a disaster that might endure for years. Urgent action by local authorities is required to halt the spread of this green threat and maintain the natural equilibrium that has distinguished Mount Abu for decades.
Mount Abu's battle against water hyacinth is a rallying cry for all participants. The moment has come to act, as the very core of this precious dwelling is under attack. Let us band together to conserve the precious streams, ensuring that Mount Abu remains a symbol of tranquillity, free of the invading green tendrils that threaten its natural beauty.

 I will miss the many varieties of birds that I have clicked on these streams. Here are a few pictures over the years that I have clicked in this area.
"Water Birds shot over the years at this stream,collage."

Water Birds shot over the years at this stream

From top to bottom: White Throated Kingfisher, Grey Wagtail, Cormorant,
                    Little Black Cormorant, Little Grebe, Crested Serpent Eagle
                    Common Kingfisher, Black-winged Stilt,  Pied Kingfisher


  1. Anonymous11:32 pm

    Hi Anis
    I checked online for the solution to reduce water hyacinth.

    It can help if a few ducks and Geese are introduced in the water and see if the birds will eat the water hyacinth or a few tossed to the pigs and goats.

  2. OH Wow thanks for the information the video was interesting and inspiring.
