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Monday, July 30, 2018

Bear on the rampage Mount Abu

Bear on the Rampage in Mount Abu: Another Mauling Incident at Achalgarh.

Mount Abu, known for its tranquil surroundings and natural beauty, has witnessed alarming bear attacks. Just two hours ago, another individual fell victim to a bear mauling in the Achalgarh area, marking yet another incident in what seems to be a growing concern for residents and visitors alike.

Charles, who sent me the footage via WhatsApp, informed me of the attack, giving a firsthand glimpse into the seriousness of the situation. In response to the attack, the State Hospital dispatched an ambulance to the scene to provide immediate medical help to the injured person.

This latest incident adds to the increasing number of bear encounters in Mount Abu, raising concerns about wildlife safety and human interaction in the region. As the situation develops, locals must exercise caution in areas near forested zones where bear activity has been recorded. 

Waiting for the ambulance

Per kind favour Charles

Keep up the good work.

Just received an update on the situation.
Some snaps are gruesome.

First aid being given 

First aid 

Dr Goyal is in attendance from State Hospital.

Friday, July 27, 2018

Crab in my garden Mount Abu

Flash Back Down Memory lane 

It’s commonplace to see the crab in our garden here in the abode of gods. While I was snapping this crab today a ting of nostalgia filled my soul and I was transported back in time down memory lane. Crabbing and fishing in the stream of Abu during our school days in our favourites haunt like Sunrise valley shallow Bay and Upper Kodhra dam opened the floodgates and I recall how we would rush back to school with our catch to get permission so that the school cook could prepare a meal or soup for us hungry chaps.
This meal made from our catch was often simple but it was a treat from our everyday mundane meal. I want to know if the boys of today have what we had back then. Guess not! 

Out for a Mid-day walk 

Abu crab

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Once again Bear strikes In Mount Abu.


Ganesh Ram from Delwara

In Global Hospital

Being examined 

Ever since Mount Abu has become a full-fledged eco-sensitive zone and a sanctuary bear attack over the years has increased. Tourists and Abuites have been warned by the authorities to be cautious when moving around in desolated areas. 
The monsoon season especially when this abode is shrouded with a heavy mantle of mist is dangerous for humans as visibility is reduced and suddenly coming upon an unsuspecting bear could lead to dire consequences.
Ganesh Ram was attacked by the bear late in the evening yesterday, he was rushed to the Global Hospital. He's at the moment in the ICU as he was operated today. Will update as soon as I have more news. 

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Charles Mount Abu Guide and snake and wildlife rescuer.

Mahendra Dan alias Charles Guide Mount Abu. 

Charles Guide Mount Abu

Charles the guide in Mount Abu is renowned for his legendary trekking in the hill and dales of this Aravalli range.   I’ve known Charles for some time. He has always aired his thoughts. He has visions of a Mount Abu being converted into a place where even the Gods would wish to live.  From a kid, he found joy in being one with nature, like the proverbial Red Indian his inner hunger is so strong that he took it upon himself to help save and contribute all his passion and energy making this place a safe haven. 
Everything about Mount Abu’s nature, the birds, the bees,. Trees, and the animals all seem to call out to him. He’s in his element when he’s on his trek with his clients he has the greatest pleasure sharing the beauty of this hill station and the stories of the village and tribal folks who have settled here. Charles narratives and his ever so cool way of putting his point across keeps his customers enthralled. Most of his clientage have been foreigners and this has been a boon for this bright young man, not only has he taught himself English he has picked up a smattering of other languages.
The 32-year-old Mahendra, a mountain dweller, not a hunter, but a simple snake and reptile catcher. Indeed, he’s a man who goes out of his way to save any snake or reptile that might be a threat to the locals. If he’s in town he responds to all call 24/7 by any Abuites that need his help to relocate these unfortunate animals that have strayed into their homes or premises. 

Notes and Photographs per kind favour Charles

Indian monitor lizard  Varanidae    (Monitors)

Monitors are the largest of the living lizards. In Hindi its called Chandan Goh,  They are swift and active predators of small mammals, birds, bird eggs, reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates.

Medium – sized monitor 1.74m: snout elongated: nostrils nearer the eye than the snout – tip nostril an oblique slit.

Inhabit a variety of habitats, from semi-deserts and scrub to evergreen forests and plantation.

A lizard famous in Indian history for its reported use by  Maratha conqueror scaling the walls of Mughal Fortresses.

Monitor Lizard rescued from town from an emporium. 

Rescued from a house in the Kumarwada Area

Released in the enclosed sanctuary area of Mt. Abu

Cobra – Naja Naja

Identifiable by the spectacle like markings on the hood. Dorsum greyish brown, black some population from central west India jet black.

Cobra rescued from town and released in the sanctuary area.


Forstern Cat Snake 

Russel Viper

Charles in his earlier years Rat snake being rescued.

ANYONE looking for the ideal guide while in Mount Abu can contact Charles.

Review on Charles