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Saturday, July 31, 2021

Latest news and Updates On Mount Abu [ 31/07/2022 ]

 Golf Returns to Mount Abu: A Comeback for the Elites’ Game

Exciting news for golf enthusiasts! Golf will return to Mount Abu next month, bringing back a once-thriving tradition. Back in the day, the lush greens of Mount Abu welcomed avid golfers, but for reasons lost to history—perhaps following the departure of the British and the shift of the Police Training Academy—the sport faded away. Financial constraints and the lack of a dedicated club led to the deterioration of the course, leaving even the tiny pavilion overlooking it in a state of disrepair (see the snap below).

"Golf pavilion of bygone era Mount Abu"
Golf pavilion of a bygone era 

However, that’s about to change. The inclusion of golf and polo in Mount Abu’s tourism program by the Rajasthan government shows a resurgence of these traditional sports. Polo will make a comeback as well, starting again from where it left off in 2008. All departments are backing changing Mount Abu into an international tourist centre. Including sporting activities is a key component of this vision.

Salgaon Dam Project Gets the Green Light

In another landmark development, Mount Abu has received clearance for the much-anticipated Salgaon Dam project—a wait that has lasted an incredible 44 years!
This project is a significant milestone for the people of Mount Abu. Every year, we’ve relied on the monsoon rains to meet our water needs, often resorting to prayers and havans to the rain gods. Severe hardships were experienced by the community when a failed monsoon resulted in our existing water supply being insufficient. The Salgaon Dam will be a significant change, offering us a more reliable water source.
The entire community will celebrate when they lay the foundation stone for the Salgaon Dam. I, for one, will raise a glass and toast to the health of the gods and the future of Mount Abu. Cheers!. Cheers šŸ„ƒ

Click on the link below to read the project report.

Latest news and Updates On Mount Abu [ 31/07.2021 ]

 Update on Mount Abu.

Mount Abu can now boast an up-to-date free medical clinic run by our esteemed Dr AK SHARMA. He has been running this free clinic for the poor and the tribal for the past 20 years. He has provided medical support worth millions of rupees, including free operations to hundreds of thousands of patients. 

The latest on his agenda is to see the message below.

Dedicated service to public health
|| Shri Agneshwar Mahadev || Sri 1008 International Mahant Sri Tulsigiriji Maharaj Medical Center
Free Diagnostic Camp - Sunday 11 am to 2 pm
Location: Omkar Ashram,  Delwara, Mount Abu (Rajasthan)
the coming tabeeb,
08/08/2021 Dr Rakesh Sharma | for children.
22/08/2021 Dr Ketan Shukla | For kidney, urine and stones.
05/09/2021 Dr Parthiv Mehta | For breathing and lungs.
19/09/2021 Dr. Riddhi Shukla | For ladies.
This is a free service/consultation offered to the patient
Courtesy - Arsh Charitable Foundation, Ahmedabad

Dr Sharma has started a super speciality clinic in his free clinic programme. If anyone knows of any children with lung disease, patients of gynaecology, or patients having kidney stones or kidney-related problems. Let them know and inform them they can avail themselves of this programme FREE. You can update our gracious Dr if anyone is unnecessarily suffering from any disease without consultants. Dr Sharma is getting the finest of doctors from Ahmedabad for free. They will check the patients on the air-conditioned bus. The doctors will examine them and provide relevant advice. Please note the timings.

From 11 to 12 on Sundays.

Mount Abu has never ever boasted of an entire library. As far back as I can remember. We had a makeshift library, an apology for the library that was running in the pavilion. Our present SDM, who is immensely productive, has revamped and renovated the pavilion. The pavilion is now a state-of-the-art library. It will have internet connections, computers, Wi-Fi, and everything a modern library needs. Anyone can be a member, and you can contribute books to it. Your ideas and advice on the well-being of this state-of-the-art library will be most welcome. Next month, I look forward to the launch of the Mount Abu Library in the hills.
More on the latest on The Abode of the god. Good nite, 

Thursday, July 08, 2021

Tourist thronging in Hills Spark Fears of 3rd Wave Mount Abu [ 08/07/2021 [

 Following relaxations by the Rajasthan Govt, tourists make a beeline to Mount Abu.

"Welcome to the Abode of Gods, have a pleasurable stay.".
Welcome to the Abode of Gods

|"MOUNT ABU GOOGLE  WORLD, through their web application."

"Scenic points to visit, while tou are in Mount Abu."
Scenic points to visit

Mount Abu is a popular weekend spot for tourists from Gujarat. With a drop in the number of cases, and the unlock put into effect last month, the tourist rush to this oasis has gone through the roof! Throughout the week, hordes of tourists drove up to visit Abu, with an estimate of over 65000 people visiting on an average weekend getaway. 

The road leading up to Mount Abu sees impatient traffic jams because of the overwhelming number of vehicles. They also made it victim to mass litter with empty beer bottles, plastic water bottles, empty snack packaging, and other grim litter associated with irresponsible tourism. With the growing waste attributed to the tourism industry, they have not left Mount Abu undefiled. All this adds to the strain on wildlife and the environment. 

What about the principal scientific advisor to the prime minister, who clearly stated that a third wave is inevitable and that the exact time of its advent cannot be FORECAST? Although the Government has called on the population, at large, to follow the pandemic protocol strictly, there is such a universal indifference to laws and regulations in that regard. 

The thousands of tourists in Mount Abu flout all mandatory safety precautions daily. It mostly comes across as unruly children let loose in the wild. The lessons learnt from the devastating second wave, only a short while ago, which caused untold panic throughout the country, seem to have faded away, leaving an ideal ground for the virus to raise its head once again.

Can we prevent the #ThirdWave with such insolence?

Will our vaccinations be effective against new variant strains?

Like all other hill stations that depend on tourism, will Abu survive another onslaught of lockdowns?

We require tourism, but while the industry creates the problems, it also needs to provide solutions. There is an immediate need to preserve what we have in this gracious oasis of ours. We cannot let tourism thrive at the cost of disturbing the fragile ecological balance. There has to be a way of bringing a collective consciousness into play. 

A campaign in July 2019, Clean up Nakki Lake (under Ravindra Goswami, the sub-divisional magistrate), yielded over 10 to 12 tons of garbage. Can one believe that guests visiting this beautiful lake would be so uncaring for the environment that they would make it the graveyard of beer bottles? They also hoisted four trolleys of discarded beer bottles out from the lake. I’m making this point only because the other day I visited Mini Nikki Lane and the Lower Khodra dam and witnessed this menace first-hand. There were beer bottles thrown all around; many even pitched into the water. I would also like to mention a recent video that circulated, which showed the deplorable condition of the Polo Grounds. In the video, I saw large numbers of vehicles parked, and tourists were thoughtlessly littering the ground with beer bottles and other trash items. I have linked the same at the end of this blog. 

There is a constant threat of automobile pollution, jammed roads, not designed to accommodate such vehicle inflow, rampant littering of non-biodegradable material, and plastic waste too. With these looming problems, there is an impending threat in terms of local resources too, especially water. Regular monitoring of the few water bodies we have here is necessary, and the Administration should contemplate imposing penalties for polluting them. To stop the dumping of beer bottles in our town and its environment, we need strict laws.

If we address these concerns one at a time, perhaps in the coming years we will still have something for these visitors to see and appreciate.

Mount Abu Polo Grounds is a pathetic state 

Personal Memories of Polo Grounds