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Monday, November 27, 2023

Mount Abu ravaged yet again by unseasonal weather storm.

 Mount Abu Faces Nature's Wrath: Unseasonal Thunderstorm Astounds Residents.

"27 Nov 2023 Mount Abu enveloped in a misy trance."
Greetings from Mount Abu The Abode of Gods.
Mount Abu, the peaceful hill station in the Aravalli Range, has suffered an unexpected change in its weather pattern. Despite India's Meteorological Department's warnings of unusual weather on Monday and Tuesday owing to a western disturbance, the storm arrived a day earlier, taking locals and visitors by surprise. The thunderstorm, which was accompanied by torrential rain, lightning, and howling winds, caused a terrifying experience mainly for those ascending the hills.
The day started off brightly enough, with the sky progressively darkening at about 10 a.m. What happened next, however, was anything from average. Reports of heavy rain began to arrive from Abu Road, and by 5 p.m., the storm's crescendo had reached its apex. Last night's thunderstorm was a striking reminder of nature's unexpected might, as the winds howled and lightning lit the gloomy sky.
Impact on Daily Life: As the storm raged, the electric department battled to keep up. Power failures reduced the town into darkness, forcing inhabitants to battle the cold by candlelight. The electric department expected to restore normalcy the next day, leaving Abuites to deal with the inconvenience. In The storm's aftermath, Mount Abu got 45 mm of rain. The trickling streams resumed to flow again, revitalising the area. Despite the difficulties encountered by the people, nature's perseverance was obvious, and the mist-covered hills continued to lure travellers like moths to a flame.
Person-to-Person Encounters with Nature's Fury:
One individual related a personal experience of seeing lightning strike twice in the vicinity. The first attack happened along the main road, near the Neelkanth temple, while the second happened over a residence, knocking off dish antennas and destroying electronic equipment. Such intimate encounters serve as a harsh reminder of nature's sheer force.
Rajasthan's Climate Changes:
This year has seen irregular climatic variations in Mount Abu and most of Rajasthan, culminating in the region's first-ever cyclonic storm. Unpredictable weather patterns have created difficulties for inhabitants while stressing the significance of adjusting to a changing environment.
 Mount Abu's recent brush with unusual weather demonstrates the unpredictability of our environment. As we face the difficulties of climate change, it is critical that we recognise and respect nature's powers while also finding methods to cohabit happily with the surrounding environment. The recent thunderstorm may have briefly disturbed everyday life, but it also provided a look into the courage and beauty that distinguish Mount Abu and its people.

Mount Abu's first-ever CYCLONIC STORM

Last Night Mount Abu faced its first coldest night this season, and temperatures will keep dropping right up to Jan's end.

"Mount Abu's temperature 4 degrees last night 27 Nov 2023 as seen on the temperature gauge."
Mount Abu Temperature gauge per kind favour Anil.

For a comfortable stay at Mount Abu, contact Anil

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

The Unusual Death of a Young Leopard on Mount Abu Raises Conservation Concerns

 How did the young leopard die?

"How did the young leopard die"
How did the young leopard die

Mount Abu, located in the heart of the Aravalli Range, is a biodiversity hotspot that is home to Rajasthan's elusive leopards. The number of leopard deaths in this region has decreased, showing that conservation measures are effective. However, a recent occurrence has placed doubt on this success tale, when a juvenile leopard's life was cut short under mysterious circumstances.
My niece, a dedicated naturalist and instructor at St. Mary's High School, gave me a heartbreaking WhatsApp video of a juvenile leopard laying still. The lack of evidence of combat ruled out any imminent attack, but doubts lingered: How did this young leopard meet its terrible demise? Was it a natural death, or was something more sinister at work?
The idea of poisoning seemed unlikely because Abu has a lot of trap cameras and regularly checks on the animals in the forest. Given the increasing monitoring of such activities, poaching was also a dubious answer. Could it be a poisonous snake bite? A probable possibility, but we can only speculate until more evidence becomes available.
The video showed that the juvenile leopard's body was being thoroughly studied by wildlife experts from the forest department. A definite answer to the riddle, however, lies with a postmortem investigation, a vital step in uncovering the facts behind this tragic death. Wildlife experts from the forest department conducted a comprehensive study, which they will send to Jaipur's headquarters. This study provides insights that might bring this depressing chapter to a close.

WhatsApp Video 2023-08-22 at 6.56.58 PM.mp4

The death of the juvenile leopard serves as a sharp reminder of the perilous predicament in which these gorgeous creatures find themselves. The Wildlife Protection Act of 1972 lists leopards as an endangered species, and we classify them as "Vulnerable" on the IUCN Red List due to habitat degradation, decreasing food sources, and the illegal trade of their skins and body parts.
As updates become available, how this vibrant new life was destroyed will weigh heavily on the minds of environmentalists, researchers, and nature enthusiasts alike. Our united optimism is based on the determined work of the government and organisations charged with protecting these priceless creatures.

The leopards of Mount Abu have caught our imaginations and emotions, symbolising the problematic balance between humans and nature. The mystery surrounding this baby leopard's fate serves as a rallying cry for fresh conservation efforts, emphasising the need to protect these natural riches for future generations.

How this vibrant new life was destroyed will weigh heavily on the minds of environmentalists, researchers, and nature enthusiasts alike as updates become available. The government and organizations are working hard to protect these priceless creatures, which makes us hopeful.

23 Aug 2023
"News clip on the cremation of the leopard  sent via WhatsApp per kind favour Deepash."
News clip on the cremation of the leopard sent via WhatsApp per kind favour Deepash

An Update on the above report:
Click the link: 👇

Monday, August 14, 2023

Mount Abu Battles to Manage Independence Day Tourist Influx

 Finding a Balance to appease and control overcrowding of tourists.

"Tourists heading up the hill for the weekend, on a misty day."
Tourists heading up the hill for the weekend 
Per kind favour a concerned Abuite.

Nestled amidst natural splendour, Mount Abu, often hailed as “The Abode of the Gods,” witnessed a remarkable surge in tourist footfall during the recent pre-Independence Day weekend. While the predicted influx brought vibrancy to the hill station, it also brought to light some significant challenges.

From August 11 to August 15, 2023, Mount Abu experienced a record influx of visitors, turning its serene streets into a lively hub of activity. However, this expected outpouring in tourism came with its share of hurdles that the local administration had to contend with.

The picturesque journey up the winding roads of Abu, which provides a tranquil prelude to the stay for travellers, turned into a gruelling trek for many. The ascent, which takes a reasonable amount of time, stretched into hours as the steady stream of vehicles crawled upwards to their respective hotels.

They sent this Video via WhatsApp. All credit goes to the owner of this video.

Among this influx, an unfortunate pattern of unruly behaviour emerged. Reports emerged of tourists sitting atop car rooftops, revelling in open vans and consuming alcohol, showing little regard for the environment. Tourists littered the roadsides with empty cans and bottles or threw them into the valleys below, which marred the natural beauty that I know Mount Abu for.
Late at night on August 13, 2023, a concerning incident occurred at a significant intersection involving a tourist vehicle playing loud music. The presence of a passenger atop the car led to an impromptu street dance that caused a half-hour disturbance. It took the intervention of law enforcement to restore order and allow traffic to flow again.
The events raised important questions about the management of tourism in Mount Abu. Is there a place for such unbridled behaviour in a destination revered for its spiritual and natural allure? Could the local tourism administration have been more practical in curbing such disturbances before they escalated? The time seems ripe to explore avenues for creating selected spaces, such as discotheques, where the spirited energy of tourists can find expression without causing chaos.
As we reflect on these incidents, I invite my readers to share their insights and suggestions. How can Mount Abu strike a delicate balance between providing an avenue for tourists to unwind while upholding the tranquillity and charm that define the destination? Your perspectives are invaluable as we navigate the path ahead for this enchanting hill station.

The impromptu street dance caused a half-hour disturbance.
To see this video click on the video link.

Interesting Observation for this prolonged weekend
12 Aug - Saturday
13 Aug - Sunday
14 Aug - Medical leave/Casual leave/French leave
15 Aub - Independence Day (Holiday)

India to celebrate its 77th Independence Day.
Let's take a pledge to protect the Peace and unity of our Great Nation,
Happy Independence Day!

Friday, July 28, 2023

Mount Abu Monsoon Madness: A Changing Climate Tale

Mount Abu has it all, from breathtaking beauty to catastrophic events.

"Collage of First landslide for this season 28 July 2023."
The first landslide for this season 28 July 2023

Streams surged fiercely last night in Abu, highlighting the region's spectacular beauty during the heavy rain. However, this lovely scene also underscores the troubling fact of changing climate scenarios, which have resulted in unusual and harsh monsoon seasons. This blog post discusses how recent weather in Abu affected the local population and had larger consequences. The captivating views of The Rainy Night Spectacle fascinated Abuites, who recorded and shared them on several social media sites. The gushing streams and heavy rains reminded everyone of the need to appreciate nature's beauty while recognising the environment's vulnerability to climate change. (The volume of rain from midnight to 6 am was 142mm, i.e. almost 6 inches)

The Impact of Climate Change:

The climate in Abu has changed dramatically during the last decade. Extreme monsoon seasons are becoming more common, causing catastrophic occurrences, such as flooding and droughts in formerly untouched areas. The latest cyclonic storm, followed by continued high rains throughout July, wrought havoc in Rajasthan, causing major floods and property and animal losses.

The recent monsoons in Abu serve as a vivid reminder of the critical issue of climate change. While we appreciate the beauty of rainy evenings, we must equally acknowledge the difficulties they bring. We can safeguard our environment, homes, and livelihoods by recognising and addressing these changes, guaranteeing a sustainable future for future generations. It's time to take action, raise awareness, and work together to counteract the negative consequences of climate change in Abu and beyond.

Scary Encounter: it highlighted the implications of climate change today, as Abu had its first landslip on the main road, only a few kilometres before the Hunaman temple. The episode underscores the increasing dangers of natural disasters in areas prone to excessive rainfall and soil erosion.

Large Mudslide Mt Abu WhatsApp Video per kind favour my niece Crescentia 

The heavy rain has impacted daily life across Abu, leading to even St. Mary's High School declaring a holiday. With the rushing floods, the Paddy Bridge, the sole vehicular access point to the school, was overflowing and unusable. Such interruptions to daily life highlight infrastructure's fragility and the need for improved planning in the face of shifting weather patterns.

Paddy's Bridge overflowing WhatsApp Video per kind favour Manoj St. Mary's staff.

The recent monsoons in Abu serve as a vivid reminder of the critical issue of climate change. While we appreciate the beauty of rainy evenings, we must equally acknowledge the difficulties they bring. We can safeguard our environment, homes, and livelihoods by recognising and addressing these changes. 

The streams in full spate WhatsApp Video per kind favour my niece Crescentia.

For more news on Mount Abu, click the link below.

Mount Abu 28 July 2023.

“The Flaming Eye in the Shrouded Sky” Mount Abu

The flaming eye amidst the damp and mist-laden evening sky. 

"The flaming eye amidst the damp and mist-laden evening sky"
The Flaming eye in the sky.

Today, I witnessed an extraordinary sight - the flaming eye amidst the damp and mist-laden evening sky. Despite the mist from the monsoon season, the celestial wonder still shines and casts a surreal glow over the town.
Tourists are undeterred by the dismal weather and come in droves to this hill station to experience the mystical ambience and seek divine connections. Veiled in the mysterious clouds, Mount Abu transforms into a sanctuary, elevating visitors to a state of blissful frenzy, as if they are truly on cloud nine.
For the Abuites, accustomed to the prolonged monsoon, the novelty of this spectacle gradually fades, giving way to a yearning for sunnier days. Clothes stubbornly refuse to dry in the relentless dampness, while moss and mildew seem to assert their supremacy, keeping hard-working stay-at-home parent on constant alert, lest their homes succumb to the mouldy, damp smell that clings to every corner.
Beyond the moisture-laden walls, creatures of all kinds emerge from their hiding places, brazenly invading households, making life a never-ending battle against unwelcome intruders, leaving the residents wearied by the continuous vigil.
However, amidst these challenges, the determined human spirit prevails. The locals, embracing their toughness, find solace in the companionship that blossoms during the monsoon months. Laughter echoes through the mist, and the rich tapestry of mythical tales and legendary folklore passed down from generation to generation strengthens the bond within the community.
As the blazing eye continues to throw its ominous glow, Abuites find solace in sharing their rainy-season stories. Despite the discomforts and dampness, they recognise Mount Abu's monsoon appeal, which draws everyone into its mystical embrace.
Mount Abu's overcast evenings morph into a narrative of resolution and brotherhood, with the unrelenting rain feeding the lush flora and the blazing eye periodically peering over the people, making every second of the monsoon season anxiously awaited and loved.

Misty morning at Mount Abu WhatsApp Video Per kind of favour of my niece Crescentia 

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

A update on Mount Abu (4 June 2015)

An unfortunate accident by a drunken driver.

A car from Gujarat a GJ 30 9620 at around 2:45 pm shot off the road and flew into the gutter near the Neel Kant temple. Apparently, the driver and a co-passenger were two sheets in the wind. Fortunately for all the passengers in the car, no one received major injuries. A crowd of Abuites were on the scene within minutes and were of great assistance. The crowd of Abuites immediately pulled the passengers out of the car and provided them with first aid. The locals gathered there and helped put the vehicle, which had turned turtle, back on its wheels. Here are a few snaps of the mishap that took place today.

'A tourist car overshot and landed in the stream, Abuites gathered around to help the passangers.",
A tourist car overshot and landed in the stream

"The tourist car which overshot landed in the stream below."
The tourist car which overshot landed in the stream below

"A cop overseeing the accident spot."
A cop overseeing the accident spot

"A few of the injured tourists pulled out of the car."
A few of the injured tourists pulled out of the car

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Unprecedented Cyclone Biparjoy Devastates Mount Abu

Mount Abu Survives Its First Cyclone as Nature Takes Over

"The eye of the cyclone over Mount Abu, from Zoom Earth "
The eye of the cyclone over Mount Abu, from Zoom Earth 

A rare weather phenomenon occurred in Mount Abu, Rajasthan's scenic Aravalli Range. Cyclone Biparjoy made an unexpected impact on this landlocked region on June 16, 2023, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. This unexpected cyclonic storm, which is unusual for Mount Abu, astonished both inhabitants and officials. Despite its distance from the shore, torrential rainfall and powerful gusts hit the town, inflicting extensive damage.

The Ordeal Unleashed: When the Biparjoy hit, Mount Abu was unprepared for the devastation that ensued. With high winds and constant rain, the "Abode of Gods" swiftly became a war against nature's fury. Flash floods swamped the town, submerging homes and streets. The strong winds toppled trees and electricity lines, resembling a heavenly bowling match. Essential services were severely affected, with no power, water, or internet access.
On Saturday, June 17, 2023, the Abuites (the dwellers of Mount Abu) experienced fear as the unrelenting storm showed no signs of abating. It cut residents off from essential services, putting them in an unusual scenario. Their tin-sheeted homes provided little shelter against the chilling winds, resulting in substantial damage and loss of property. It carried away countless birds and their young in the roaring floods, adding to the animal toll.

Record rainfall and lingering hardships resulted from Cyclone Biparjoy's influence, which was felt well beyond Mount Abu. The Banas River overflowed its banks on the lowlands, causing significant flooding on Abu Road. During the disaster, Mount Abu received an incredible 8.4 inches of rain. The event lasted five days and left the Abuites without power, water, or internet access. This unforeseen interruption provided a brutal reality check for a populace that is dependent on modern gadgets, requiring them to reconnect with their natural surroundings.

Rebuilding Lives and Restoring Normalcy: Life on Mount Abu gradually resumes its normalcy. Residents are relieved that they have restored essential services. As the community heals from this unique occurrence, it serves as a reminder of nature's dominant force and the Abuites' perseverance in the face of hardship. Although the cyclone caused significant difficulty, it also provided an opportunity for introspection and appreciation of their surroundings.

Conclusion: Cyclone Biparjoy's unanticipated visit to Mount Abu, a first in the area's meteorological history, left the community reeling from the devastation wreaked by strong winds and unrelenting rainfall. The community came together in the face of this unforeseeable disaster, exhibiting resilience and a sense of togetherness. As life returns to normal, the Abuites begin to repair their houses, grateful for the restoration of critical services. We will inscribe this remarkable occurrence in Mount Abu's history as a monument to the locals' fortitude and tenacity.


Friday, June 02, 2023

The Neglected Lake of Mount Abu: A Cry for Help

Exploring the Enchanting Nakki Lake: A Jewel of Mount Abu.

"Overcast sky over Nakki Lake Mount Abu"
Nakki Lake Mount Abu.
Photo per kind favour Harry(Harnam)

"The stagnant green waters of the Nakki Lake when neglected"
Nakki Lake when neglected 

Oh, the lake of Mount Abu, once pristine and blue, now murky and green, is a sad sight to be seen. Tourists flock to its shore, but do they see it anymore? Dumping their trash without a care, they cannot spare the lake's beauty. Oh, the lake of Mount Abu, once a jewel in the view, is now a victim of neglect. It is the fate we must resurrect. Let us join hands and make a vow to save this lake, starting now, by cleaning up after ourselves, and taking care of its waters and shelves. Oh, the lake of Mount Abu, may it shine again anew, a place of peace and beauty, for all to enjoy.

Mount Abu, a tranquil hill station in Rajasthan, India, is well-known for its natural beauty and serene settings. Over the past ten years, the town has turned into a thriving tourist hub, with diverse hotels, guesthouses, and cafes appearing to accommodate the influx of visitors. Unfortunately, the town's most famous feature, Nakki Lake, has suffered because of the inflow of tourists.

The Gracia tribe considers Nakki Lake in Mount Abu sacred. They gather there during their festival in April or May to honour their ancestors. The lake also holds a particular place in the hearts of the Abuites, who have grown up visiting it, feeding the ducks and admiring the scenery. Unfortunately, the lake has fallen into neglect, and its condition is poor.

The once beautiful lake, which drew poets, hikers, and lovelorn couples, now reflects neglect. Rubbish and filth surround the lake, and the water is dark and sluggish. The lake's suffering has had little influence on the local Abuites or local officials, who appear to have turned a blind eye to its misery.

Mount Abu's water supply is exclusively dependent on the smaller Khodra dam, while the upper Khodra dam is nearly inoperable. Mount Abu relies on the water from Nakki Lake throughout the summer and during times of scarcity. Even after passing through the filter house, this polluted water remains a serious source of worry.

They must save as soon this gorgeous lake as possible. They must provide permanent remedies, as well as heavy penalties for anybody who pollutes the environment of this location. Building little parks and beautifying the lake will not alleviate the problem of lake water quality. To maintain the lake clean, strict laws must be established for both visitors and residents.

Aside from that, it is important to educate local inhabitants on the significance of protecting the lake's environment. We must educate residents on the need to protect water quality and the negative consequences of contaminating the lake. They can accomplish this through education and awareness efforts.

To summarise, the Mount Abu water crisis is a severe issue that demands an immediate response from all parties. Both Abuites and tourists need to conserve the lake's surroundings and preserve its natural riches. If we work together and take proactive steps to protect the environment and conserve water, we can ensure a prosperous and sustainable future for Mount Abu.

"Selfie point I love Mount Abu at Nakki Lake"
Selfie point I love Mount Photo per kind favour Harry(Harnam)

"A tourist attraction Boating on the Nakki Lake"
Boating on the Nakki Lake Photo per kind favour Harry(Harnam)

"Nakki Lake strewn with garbage thrown by visitors"
Garbage in the lake Photo per kind favour Harry(Harnam)

"The beauty of the Nakki Lake enhanced by the setting sun"
Nakki Lake at sunset
Photo per kind favour Harry(Harnam)

Tuesday, May 09, 2023

"Why do politicians and leaders visit Mount Abu and Abu Road in Rajasthan?"

It's likely that Rahul Gandhi will make a journey to Mount Abu Today.

"Mount Abu City photographed from Achalgarh. a panoramic  view of Mount Abu."
Mount Abu City as seen from Achalgarh.

It's expected that Rahul Gandhi will make a journey to Mount Abu Today.
Former Congress President "Rahul Gandhi" will probably visit Mount Abu on Tuesday,
a day before PM "Narendra Modi's" visit on May 10.
Source: TOI

As Karnataka votes, PM Modi shifts attention to Rajasthan to address a rally in
Mt Abu on May 10
Source: news9live.

Mount Abu and Abu Road are two small towns located in Rajasthan, India. Despite their size, they have become popular destinations for politicians and leaders. I will discuss the significance of these places for politicians and leaders in the blog.
Mount Abu is the only hill station in Rajasthan and attracts many tourists from all over the country. The town has many tourist spots, including the well-known Dilwara Jain temples, famous for their beauty and religious importance. Abu Road is an essential gateway to the pilgrimage destination of Ambaji, which draws numerous devotees from all over the country. Politicians and leaders often visit these places to connect with the local population and take part in events and festivities.
Rajasthan is a crucial state in India, and leaders visit different parts of it to connect with voters and support their party and candidates. Mount Abu and Abu Road are strategically located in Rajasthan, making them attractive destinations for political campaigns and meetings. The visits of leaders to these places during elections may help them to connect with voters and influence their decisions.
We know the Brahma Kumaris organization based in Mount Abu for its values of peace, harmony, and non-violence, and many politicians and leaders visit the town seeking the blessings and guidance of its spiritual leaders. Overall, these towns hold significant importance in various aspects, making them attractive destinations for politicians and leaders.

Saturday, April 08, 2023

Happy Easter from the Abode of the Gods Mount Abu.

 May we fill your Easter with happiness and blessings

"Paschal Full Moon OR PINK MOON decides the date of Easter Sunday."
The Paschal Full Moon Mount Abu.
What is the significance of the Easter full moon? The Paschal Full Moon occurs between March 21 and April 25 and is the first full moon after the spring equinox. The Paschal Full Moon is so named because it decides the date of Easter Sunday. In early Christianity, the tradition originated from the overlap of Easter and the Jewish festival of Passover, as Jesus was crucified during that period. Because the Jewish calendar is based on the lunar cycle, the full moon determines the Passover date. To be consistent with Passover, they utilised the Paschal Full Moon to calculate Easter's date. Instead of the Julian calendar, the Gregorian calendar is now used for computation.
Today, many cultures worldwide widely recognize the Easter egg and the Easter bunny as symbols of Easter.
They connect the Easter egg and Easter bunny with the onset of spring as symbols of fresh life and fertility. Eggs, representing new life and rebirth, have been a sign in different societies for thousands of years, including Christianity.
The Easter bunny's origins may be traced back to Germanic pagan customs in which the hare or rabbit was a symbol of fertility and new birth. German immigrants brought the Easter rabbit custom to America in the 18th century and became famous, especially among young people. Today, they recognise the Easter egg and rabbit as Easter symbols in many countries throughout the world.

Sunday, April 02, 2023

Is Climate Change to Blame for Mount Abu's Unusual Weather Patterns?

Unusual Weather Patterns Mount Abu.  

"Mount Abu is well-known for its pleasant weather and scenic attractiveness, making it a popular tourist destination"
March the climate was like this: 

"Mount Abu is well-known for its pleasant weather and scenic attractiveness, making it a popular tourist destination"
Duck pond Abu
For, short videos on the hail showers go to the bottom

Mount Abu, also known as "The Abode of Gods," a famous hill station in Rajasthan, had some unusual weather patterns in March. Instead of the normal warm and dry weather, the town experienced thunderstorms, rain, and even hailstones. Temperatures at night have fallen below 10 degrees Celsius, which is uncommon for this time of year. This blog article will examine the probable causes of these weather patterns and their impact on the local community.
Mount Abu is well-known for its pleasant weather and scenic attractiveness, making it a popular tourist destination. However, the weather has been far from nice this year. Abuites say the last time they saw hailstones in Mount Abu was over a decade ago. This year, it hailed three times in March. Heavy rain and clouds have also made the weather wetter than normal.
There could be several causes for these odd weather trends. Climate warming is one of the most probable causes. Due to climate change, there is an increase in extreme weather events such as heatwaves, droughts, and heavy rains. Rajasthan, like the rest of India, has felt the effects of climate change in recent years. Rajasthan experienced record-breaking weather last year.
Natural variation is another possibility. Weather patterns can shift from year to year, and the present weather patterns in Mount Abu may be because of natural variance rather than climate change.
The neighbourhood has been greatly affected by unusual weather trends. Farmers are facing challenges due to the abnormally wet weather, likely resulting in major losses. This baffling weather was an attraction, and tourists made a beeline for Mount Abu of the year to witness this freaky weather.
It is vital to minimise greenhouse gas emissions to offset the consequences of climate change on the local ecosystem and people's lives. Individuals can reduce their carbon footprint by planting trees, using public transit, saving water, and using less plastic. The government should prioritize green energy investment and promote sustainable farming to minimize the impact of climate change on the local population.

This year's odd weather trends in Mount Abu are a reason for worry, and we must move to resolve the underlying causes. Extreme weather events have a substantial impact on the local people, regardless of whether climate change or natural fluctuation caused them. To lessen the effects of climate change on ecosystems and communities, we should adopt eco-friendly practices and reduce our carbon footprint.

Per kind favour  Jennifer.mp4

Per kind favour Harnam (Harry) Abu Hailing in Abu.mp4

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

St. Mary's school in Mount Abu scrapped St. Patrick's holiday.

 St. Patrick's Day, a major cultural festival observed by Christian brother institutions in India, has been terminated.

"Happy St Patrick's Day, Green munia reflecting the Saints colour."
Happy St Patrick's Day.

I learned today through the grapevine that the current headmaster at Saint Mary's School in Mount Abu had cancelled the traditional holiday(17 March St. Patrick's Day). Like all those good ol' Irish souls who once taught in a foreign country, Paddy leaves Christian Brothers school. Schools no longer have Irish Christian brothers, nor will Irish customs be carried forward. Oh, what a way to go. The next group will have its legacy to leave behind as it moves forward.
Let me take you on a trip down memory lane, ex-Marians. Let's go back in time to remember St. Patrick's Day. The brothers didn't celebrate St. Patrick's Day like everyone else, but they held an event called "Jungle warfare" that we Marians were excited about. It was an occurrence that we had all anticipated. It is significant in the school's past and culture. I'm confident all "ex-Marians" have fond memories of taking part in jungle warfare while at school.
Students' dreams and hopes took on new significance during St. Patrick's Day in the Aravalli forest.
While St. Patrick's Day celebrations in Christian Brothers schools may be modified or tailored in certain circumstances, the holiday is unlikely to be removed entirely. St. Patrick's Day is an important cultural and religious festival for several European communities. They have deeply ingrained its traditions and traditions in Christian Brothers schools.
Bye, Bye Paddy 

Irish Saying: 
"May your troubles be less, 
And your blessings be more 
And nothing but happiness come through your door"

Monday, March 06, 2023

Spring time woes a time of both renewal and survival Mount Abu

 Red-wattled lapwings fend off potential predators.

"A close-up shot of the Daman snake fleeing away from the Red-wattled Lapwing nest after being attacked by the birds"
Daman fleeing from the mobbing of Red-wattled Lapwing

"Red-wattled Lapwing - Vanellus indicus nest with eggs"
Red-wattled Lapwing - Vanellus indicus nest with eggs

Daman fleeing from the mobbing of Red-wattled Lapwing.mp4

Indeed, springtime can be a time of both renewal and survival. As the weather warms up and plants begin to bloom, it creates opportunities for new life to emerge. Animals awaken from their winter slumber and begin to mate, lay eggs, and give birth to offspring.
However, with new life comes new challenges. The competition for resources becomes fierce as animals vie for food, territory, and mates. Predators are also more active during this time, seeking prey to feed themselves or their young.
It's a reminder that while springtime may be a time of beauty and new beginnings, it is also a time of struggle and competition. The natural world is not always kind, and survival is often a matter of being the strongest, fastest, or most innovative.

As watchers, we may appreciate the beauty and magic of spring while simultaneously acknowledging the problems and difficulties that it brings. It reminds us that nature is breathtaking and ruthless, and all living beings must adapt and grow to survive. The strong protectiveness of Red-winged Lapwings towards their young is incredible. It confirms their will and instinct to live in the wild.

As much as we may feel tempted to intervene and protect them, it's important to let nature take its course and not interfere with the natural processes. Observing how these birds use their skills to fend off potential predators and keep their offspring safe is fascinating.
It's also a reminder of how unpredictable and dangerous the wild can be. While the lapwings have won this round, there is no guarantee that the remaining eggs will survive. The lapwings must stay alert in safeguarding their offspring, as it's a harsh truth of the natural world.
It's a privilege to witness these moments in nature and to appreciate the resilience and determination of the animals that call it home. 
 It is painful to watch the Red-wattled lapwings fighting to save their eggs at the cost of almost losing their lives. It's doubtful this batch of eggs will survive the onslaught of the various predators around. I'll keep you posted as the drama unfolds.

Wednesday, March 01, 2023

Oh Spring! Nature awakens to your beckoning Mount Abu

 Spring Time in the Abode of the Gods.

Springtime in the Aravalli range, a transformation from arid trees scorched by winter's freeze. 
"Springtime in the Aravalli range, a transformation from arid trees scorched by winter's freeze"
Mount Abu winter ravages

A time of change. The hills are awash with vibrant hues of blooming flowers and morning dews. They dressed the trees in shades of green, a sight unlike any we've seen. As nature wakes from its winter sleep, fragrant scents fill the air.
Bees and butterflies flit and fly as nature wakes up and comes alive. The birds join in with their sweet song and nature's chorus continues on and on. Hills are alive with rustling leaves and gentle whispers in the breeze. As her spirit stirs from her winter rest, she reminds us all that we are blessed.
So let us take a moment to pause and marvel at nature's wondrous cause. Spring in the Aravalli range is a time of magic, a time of change. As the reborn leaves appear, they bring with them a sense of hope and renewal, reminding us that there is always an upcoming season on the horizon. Evergreen trees are a sign of strength and flexibility because they hold on to their leaves all year, waiting until winter to let them go.
It's a beautiful time to be outdoors and enjoy the beauty of nature as it transitions from one season to the next. Witnessing spring and new life return is unique, whether strolling through a park or enjoying the view from a ledge.

"Spring in the Aravalli range is a time of magic, a time of change"
Oh, Spring!

Thursday, January 05, 2023

It's frosty and freezing in Mount Abu on (January 5, 2023.)


Weather in Mount Abu: A Year-Round Attraction

Mount Abu last night recorded the coldest day of this season. As can be seen from the temperature gauge, it was minus (-7 c).

"Mount Abu Last night tem -7"
Mount Abu Last night Tem -7
Snapper kind favour Anil Babar

"Mt Abu Temperature  at 8am"
Mt Abu Temperature at 8am

Weather in Mount Abu: A Chilly Welcome Without the Snow

Mount Abu may not receive snow, but this charming hill station dons a frosty cloak to welcome its visitors. People from all over come to enjoy the unique tranquillity that Abu offers, and the weather plays a significant role in creating that serene experience.
Just yesterday, President Droupadi Murmu concluded her visit to Mount Abu, where she spent time at the headquarters of the Brahma Kumaris. Visits from dignitaries have a magical effect on this tiny hill station. For instance, the town kept the roads in impeccable condition—free of potholes and maintained—giving it an air of elegance, like a bride adorned for her big day. If only Mount Abu could maintain this standard year-round, given its importance as a prominent tourist destination!
The weather here is part of its charm. Although daytime temperatures can rise, they always stay within their comfort zone, never too extreme. The early mornings and evenings carry a refreshing chill, while the nights get even colder, ideal for cozying up. With no rainfall at this time of year, the weather remains cool and dry, perfect for those looking to explore the area’s sights at their leisure.
Mount Abu continues to captivate its visitors with this delightful mix of tranquillity and climate—a reminder of why it is such a sought-after escape.