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Monday, March 06, 2023

Spring time woes a time of both renewal and survival Mount Abu

 Red-wattled lapwings fend off potential predators.

"A close-up shot of the Daman snake fleeing away from the Red-wattled Lapwing nest after being attacked by the birds"
Daman fleeing from the mobbing of Red-wattled Lapwing

"Red-wattled Lapwing - Vanellus indicus nest with eggs"
Red-wattled Lapwing - Vanellus indicus nest with eggs

Daman fleeing from the mobbing of Red-wattled Lapwing.mp4

Indeed, springtime can be a time of both renewal and survival. As the weather warms up and plants begin to bloom, it creates opportunities for new life to emerge. Animals awaken from their winter slumber and begin to mate, lay eggs, and give birth to offspring.
However, with new life comes new challenges. The competition for resources becomes fierce as animals vie for food, territory, and mates. Predators are also more active during this time, seeking prey to feed themselves or their young.
It's a reminder that while springtime may be a time of beauty and new beginnings, it is also a time of struggle and competition. The natural world is not always kind, and survival is often a matter of being the strongest, fastest, or most innovative.

As watchers, we may appreciate the beauty and magic of spring while simultaneously acknowledging the problems and difficulties that it brings. It reminds us that nature is breathtaking and ruthless, and all living beings must adapt and grow to survive. The strong protectiveness of Red-winged Lapwings towards their young is incredible. It confirms their will and instinct to live in the wild.

As much as we may feel tempted to intervene and protect them, it's important to let nature take its course and not interfere with the natural processes. Observing how these birds use their skills to fend off potential predators and keep their offspring safe is fascinating.
It's also a reminder of how unpredictable and dangerous the wild can be. While the lapwings have won this round, there is no guarantee that the remaining eggs will survive. The lapwings must stay alert in safeguarding their offspring, as it's a harsh truth of the natural world.
It's a privilege to witness these moments in nature and to appreciate the resilience and determination of the animals that call it home. 
 It is painful to watch the Red-wattled lapwings fighting to save their eggs at the cost of almost losing their lives. It's doubtful this batch of eggs will survive the onslaught of the various predators around. I'll keep you posted as the drama unfolds.

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