From the day my bitter half brought Mao into this house cats have become a part and parcel of my life. Today Mao is a Great, Great- grandmother to over a dozen and a half kittens. Big Kali one of Mao’s off spring the other day astounded all of us by going out of her way to bury one of her kittens that had died during the night. Unfortunately I wasn’t there to witness this extraordinary behaviour of this cat. The folks at home who witnessed this strange behaviour of Kali were just too stunned.
I’ve known of cats eating their young ones at the time of birth. Cats seem to sense which of their young ones want make in this eat dog eat world of ours, hence they do away with these weak or unfit offspring as a matter of natural selection for the survival of the others..
The kitten died during the night probably because it was too feeble and could not compete with the other two for the mother’s milk. In the morning when Kali did not turn up for her meal the servant went to her box to find out why she had not turned up, it was then she discovered the dead kitten. She then went in to report the mishap to Liz.
When the servant went to get rid of the dead kitten she was surprised to see Kali carrying off the dead kitten and heading for the bushes in the compound. She followed the cat at a distance and was surprised to see the cat digging away at the soft earth near our lime tree. She ran back to tell everyone in the house. The folks watched as Kali made a sizeable hole and to their surprise and astonishment she placed the dead kitten in it and then proceeded to cover it up with the mud she had dug out, she then placed some broken pieces of wood over the makeshift grave probably to camouflage it from other predators.
Never have I heard or witnessed this kind of behaviour from any one regarding cats burying their dead. Have You?
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