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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Nakki Lake Mount Abu

The legendary Nakki Lake Mount Abu

Even though I’m An Abuite, I should be well aware of the origins of this fascinating lake at the heart of the city, but I’m not. I believe that it was dug out by the fingernails of some legendary character as a herculean task so that he could marry his lady love. Another theory is that this lake is a very sacred lake for the fun-filled Gracia tribe. This tribe visit the lake by the hundreds on their festival in Shukla Paksha in April or May to worship and remember their ancestors, and consecrate their nails, hence I feel this would be a more realistic reason for the name Nakki.

They say it’s a man-made lake. All along, I thought it was the cradle of an extinct volcano. If one observes the hills of Abu, one can only see fascinating larva-shaped rocks. Heck, I have gone off on a tangent. I was to give you an update on the critical water situation prevailing here in Abu. Have a look at some snaps I took a few weeks ago of the lake, it’s not a pretty sight.

"The legendary Nakki Lake Mount Abu,reduced to half its size its pining for the rains."
Nakki Lake 29,April 2010

"Mount Abu's famed Nakki Lake has been reduced to half its original size and is longing for rain."
Another View of the lake

"Mount Abu's famed Nakki Lake has been reduced to half its original size and is longing for rain."
At a different Angle Nakki Lake 29,April 2010

"Nakki Lake 29,April 2010,in a pathetic state."
Pathetic state At a different Angle Nakki Lake 29,April 2010

" Gray Langur escaping the summer heat on Nakki Lake wall."

Graylangur escaping the summer heat

"The playing field for the geese Nakki Lake."
The playing field for the geese Nakki Lake

"Gulmohar tree at the lake with its stunning red flowere."
Gulmohar tree at the lake


  1. Anonymous11:15 am

    Scientifically, i.e.geologically speaking the lake is suspected to be the mouth of a very very old and now extinct volcano. The Abu massif i.e. the Abu hills)is, petrologically speaking, a volcanic extrusion from the depths which is somewhat younger than the Aravalli hills which stretch all the way to Delhi (the ridge in Delhi), hence the term massif - Just some blah-blah for anyone who is interested

  2. Its sad to see this state of Nakki Lake. Hope the monsoons are good this year and helps restore the lake to its former glory.

  3. Anonymous11:13 am

    Well, they should now be able to catch that croc escaped when Trevor Tal overflowed that prior year of heavy rains!!

  4. its no use digging it now,they should have done at an earlier time
