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Saturday, June 06, 2009


Isn't this Critter one photogenic swine

oink oink my grace before a meal

“Always remember, a cat looks down on man, a dog looks up to man, but a pig will look man right in the eye and see his equal.”

Winston Churchill

Last week my back yard was invaded by a herd of swine/pigs, out of the blue. Had the herder of this herd, got an inside tip that the swine flu, would fly to this part of the world and hence set them free to escape the flu.

India today has made a formal announcement that there are reports of at least seven cases down with the dreaded swine flu influenza. I know a lot of hype, has gone into this via the media, the internet and the WHO. If it’s so contagious it could be a real bummer for this country of ours as the people are gullible, and Tantrk’s, Baba’s and our faith healers would have a hay day making a fast buck on just plain cough and colds. But should the flu spread it would be an epidemic that would probably leave this land of Bharat more shattered than any earthquake or tsunami.

Pigs bring to mind our local ‘Porkie’. Porkie was the pork man who would deliver his bunch of goodies every Sunday; he would supply spicy pork sausages, homemade bacon, and pork. Ham and his local salami ‘Roll’ would only make the round around Christmas time. Porkie’s Roll and ham was so famous that he would get orders all the way from Bombay and Delhi. Toady most of the veterans pork eaters have either given up eating this delicacy or have become gass-puss (vegetarian) eaters.

My Bassett Bhoski and the cats’ curiosity knew no end when these weird and wonderful creatures first made their appearance. Bhoski if given half a chance would make home with these critters.

An update on my Bassett isn't she fat and cute

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