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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Party Mount Abu

Hi all you Abuites an update on Abu. Last night Leo threw a Christening party for his grandson 'Wyatt'. It was a lovely lively party with the usual Anglo-banter and some dancing. I managed to get this video at the fag end of the party.
Kittu is in his elements, Cliffy is at the guitar and Andrea the backup singer!!!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Birds of Mount Abu

It’s my endeavor to capture as many bird species that exist today in Mt.Abu. Over the years I have observed quite a few species that once thrived in Abu are now no more, for example the Egyptian eagle, the vulture and the black and white bird of paradise have virtually disappeared from this place. I have been taking photographs over the years of birds and other species. Hope you enjoy my amateur photography as much as I enjoyed taking them

Birds of Abu:click on the link:

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Look at Mount Abu through my eyes

Over the years I have taken photographs of my home town Mount Abu. It is a paradise in reality and not like the mystical "Shangri-La". Welcome to the Amaturers corner of photography.

My eyes are my camera Appreciate Mount Abu

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Even the Gods can’t get rid of these, “Congress grass and the Lantana tree”. Abu

Even the Gods can’t get rid of these

[“Congress grass and the Lantana tree”]

This year I missed the drive taken on by the local public and the school students to rid the Congress grass and Lantana overgrowing the sides of the road. I’m not sure whether the Lantana is an exotic plant or not but one thing I’m sure of is this plant has proved to be more of a menace that an asset to the ecosystem. I believe they introduced it for the benefit of the wildlife here in Abu. From what I have observed, they have upset the balance and usurped the space and nutrition that most useful plants need. The karvanda plant that is native to the hills of Abu, are now threatened with extinction. The Lantana is like the South American Piranha; it gobbles up whatever comes in its way. I truly believe this is the worst weed ever to be introduced to this land of the gods. In the summer months when this weed dries, it poses a huge threat to the spreading of forest fires.
Congress grass- how it found its way up the hill is any ones guess. Anyone knows how it got its name Congress grass? Surely the Congress did not import it to India, hence the name. This weed has been a pain in the neck for Abuites as it affects those suffering from asthma. I Believe it also has other allergic reactions on the human population and those on the animals which try to consume it.
These weeds are causing hazardous conditions for the native plants and are spreading like wildfire playing havoc with the terrain. Mount Abu is doomed to live with this menace, not a very sobering thought.

Lantanas over-running every available space

Congress grass spreading like wild fire.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Lower Khodra Dam Overflowing Mt.Abu

Lower Khodra Dam Mount Abu Overflowing

To the rest of the world the weather might look bleak, boring, dismal, dreary and gloomy but to an amateur photographer like myself, I make the best of a bad situation. The misty, damp and dreary surroundings don’t deter me from making a dash into it headlong, in fact, I enjoy the moisture whipping through my beard and scant hair. The drive down to school was really cool, on reaching Paddy’s bridge I saw two jeeps parked plum in the centre and the owners scrubbing them down from the water that was overflowing the bridge. I could not see the dam from the road as the mist was very heavy and that meant I would have to trudge all the way up to the dam to get some close-up shots. The trudge did my flagging spirit a world of good as it reflected how out of shape I have let myself get into. On reaching the overflow juncture I literally had to lean over and take the shots as the mist was heavy. I’m sure you would like to see the snaps so feast your eyes.

Washing jeeps on Paddy’s Bridge

Sill very foggy

Dam overflowing and fish trying to get back

A large group of spectators landed up to see the overflow

Dam water gushing towards Paddy’s Bridge

The mist cleared slightly just as I was about to leave

There were quite a few wagtails having a feast at the base of the dam

From here I headed for the lake, the lake is full, only 18 inches to go, here are a few snaps of the lake.

Nakki Lake 18 inches to go

Back to boating

The Auction for the boating on the lake will be held on the 27th of this month anyone interested”?

Croak, croak anything but a toad

Lower Khodra Dam overflowing Mt.Abu

Just received a phone call from the school. Hey, man, the dam's waiting for you. I would have probably headed right away but to whether the weather had got my goat. The mist hasn't lifted this whole week and the drizzle and heavy downpours have been continuous. If there is a lull in the climate I'll head for Paddy's Bridge to get some snaps. Will also make a trip to the lake I believe there are now only three feet to go. Hopefully, I'll have the snaps up by this evening, till then adieu.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Nine inches to go Mt. Abu

‘Thursday’ I had to go to school to collect the results of the Mid-Term Examination and discuss the performance of my ward with the class teacher. Since there were quite a few parents hovering around the class teacher and going through the boys results I decided to snap the dam from the vantage point offered through the windows of these class rooms. While watching the dam below from class X A I observed a rather lanky brother discussing the pros and cons with some parents and their son about the advantage and disadvantage of using a gel pen to that of a ball pen. When they had left I walked over and introduced myself, and man I tell you it was a walk down memory lane.

I’m quite sure if any of you ex-Marians reading this blog will recall Brother Gale, well he’s now back in school, he was transfer back just recently I’m not sure but I think in June. Brother Gale, well, he reminded me of Brother Lynch ‘Poncho’ while we were in school, this was the first time I met him and I felt abs at home with him. We were like two old cronies who had quite a few things in common. Our discussions conjured up images of life back in our youth of bygone days. We discussed our life styles to those of the present day students and for us old fogies, this generation falls short of our expectations, now don’t get me wrong, it’s not the kids – it’s the modern parent who are to blame as they are so possessive of their dear ones that they would rather let them lead a sedated life to one of fun and frolic.

Shucks, there go I reminiscing about the past whereas I should be concentrating on the future as that is where my destiny lies. Ok mates now back to the topic on hand “Nine inches to go” Yea the dam has now less than 9 inches  to overflow. Have a look at the snaps taken on Thursday from class IXA.

Lower Khodra Dam almost full

Nine inches to go

Friday, September 10, 2010

Fag end of the monsoons Mt.Abu [ 10/09/2010 ]

Monsoons Mount Abu 2010.

The monsoons have not been too bad this year; we are now nearing the fag end of the monsoon season. There is still some bite left as it's only September 10, 2010. Abu monsoons normally end by the end of September, with an occasional shower in the first week of October. According to legend, the lake must overflow this year whenever a life is lost to the lake by drowning, suicide, or the sacrifice of a human being. The lake overflows. Abuites believe that since the lake claimed its victim a few days ago as suicide,  it will now have to puke its belly out as an overflow. I will keep you updated on whether the legend is true. Posting some photographs taken these last few days of scenes of Abu,

Sloth bear opposite Santsaravor a BEAUTY

Standing Pose

Canopy over Plummy

Lower Khodra dam is almost full

St.Mary’s School Mount Abu

The school

Sparrow Hawk



A lovely pair

Wire tunes Misty Morn