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Friday, August 24, 2018

Alluring and bewitching the Water hyacinth flower. Mount Abu

The water flower hyacinth invades a thousand freshwater bodies worldwide.

"Water hyacinth flower. Mt Abu.Plucked from the stream."
Water hyacinth flower. Mt Abu

How did the water hyacinth enter Mount Abu?

Unravelling the Green Threat: The Stealthy Invasion of Mount Abu’s Freshwaters by Water Hyacinth

The infamous water hyacinth has taken root in the calm highlands of Mount Abu, famed as the abode of gods, and spread its emerald tentacles over a thousand freshwater bodies worldwide. This water plant, which appears to be a stunning bloom at first glance, has found its way into the heart of Mount Abu, raising doubts about its origin and the environmental implications it bears.

The Water Hyacinth Mystery: A perplexing mystery surrounds the water hyacinth in Mount Abu. Abuites in the region recall a time when this invasive plant was absent from their scenic landscapes. The shift occurred sometime between the swinging sixties and the eventful eighties, leaving many to wonder how this green intruder infiltrated the sanctity of the hill station.

An Abuite’s Story: Harnam, often known as Harry, a seasoned Abu inhabitant, solves the mystery underlying the water hyacinth’s arrival at Mount Abu. Based on his account, the invasion commenced with a grand wedding reception years ago. A surplus of colourful flowers and plants, including the unwary water hyacinth, made its way to the hills as part of the festivities.

After the festivities came to an end, the surplus decorative plants became a treasure trove for the Abuites, as they were sold at discounted prices. Nobody knew that among the brilliant blossoms, the water hyacinth had tucked itself into the streams along the pilgrim route. The unsuspecting introduction of this innocuous plant would quickly create an environmental threat to Mount Abu’s water ecosystems.

The Unexpected Consequences of That Joyous Celebration: The water hyacinth, once an exotic addition, has morphed into a green threat, spreading its tentacles throughout Mount Abu’s freshwater bodies. The invasive nature of this plant has alarmed residents, environmentalists, and officials alike, causing authorities to take immediate measures to stop its growth.
Conclusion: The water hyacinth, a quiet invader whose beginnings may be traced back to a time of celebration and flowery excess, now has Mount Abu’s calm vistas in its grasp. As the green menace spreads, it serves as a harsh warning of the unforeseen environmental consequences that can result from seemingly innocuous activities. To learn more about the complexities of this ecological dilemma, follow the link: "Green menace spreading its tentacles in Mount Abu."

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